
Loop 1 creates devices combining the human figure, material and gestures which, thanks to the hybridisation of the two media, show a transition between appearance and disappearance on a loop. Photo/Video adds to the notions of time and space of photography («instantaneous», «fixed» and «frozen») the notions of «speed», «distance» and «metamorphosis» specific to video. […]

the artistic work

With devices that combine the human figure, matter and gestures, the work, by hybridising photography and video and by altering representation, makes it possible to expand time and space to make visible a passage between the appearance and disappearance of the human figure on a dynamic loop. The production of the images follows a guiding […]

sans titre

Loop 1 distance focale 90 mm distance focale 105 mm diptych LOOP 2 distance focale 50 mm distance focale 70 mm diptych


Loop 1 sans titre sans titre diptych Loop 2 sans titre sans titre diptych

dézoome III

Loop 1 dézoome III full size print Exhibit print and a sample of its full size print Loop 2 dézoome III full size print Exhibit print and a sample of its full size print


Loop 1 dézoome LOOP 2 dézoome


Loop 1 espace LOOP 2 espace


Loop 1 entre-deux Two Fine Art prints mounted on black Dibond, 90×29 cm, separated by 2 cm, united by a black subframe     Loop 2 entre-deux Two Fine Art prints mounted on black Dibond, 90×29 cm, separated by 2 cm, united by a black subframe


Loop 1 untitled untitled diptych Loop 2 untitled untitled diptych


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 4 photographs     Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 4 photographs


Boucle 1 untitled untitled untitled série de 3 photographies   Boucle 2 untitled untitled untitled série de 3 photographies  


Loop 1 Caresses Loop 2 Caresses

Coups après coups

Loop 1 1er coup 2ème coup 3ème coup 4ème coup a series of 4 photographs     Loop 2 1er coup 2ème coup 3ème coup 4ème coup a series of 4 photographs


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 12 photographs   Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 12 photographs


Loop 1 premier jet deuxième jet troisème jet a series of 3 photographs   Loop 2 premier jet deuxième jet troisième jet a series of 3 photographs


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 5 photographs Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 5 photographs


Loop 1 Toupie Loop 2 Toupie


Loop 1 Parcour Loop 2 Parcour


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled a series of 3 photographs   Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled a series of 3 photographs

Loop 1 ∞ A soundtrack goes with this photograph   Votre navigateur ne supporte pas l’élément audio. Loop 2 ∞ A soundtrack goes with this photograph


Loop 1 …TIC TAC… “Time is the moving image of eternity.” Plato Loop 2 …TIC TAC… “Time is the moving image of eternity.” Plato

Le Cri

Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled a series of 3 photographs     Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled a series of 3 photographs

Thanatopraxie 2

Loop 1 untitled untitled diptych   Loop 2 untitled untitled diptych

Thanatopraxie 1

Loop 1 untitled untitled diptych Loop 2 untitled untitled diptych

 desvoilés II

Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 12 photographs Series Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 12 photographs Series


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 14 photographs   Series Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 14 photographs Series


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 14 photographs Series Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 14 photographs Series

Le Mandylion II

Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 9 photographs Series Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 9 photographs Series

Le Mandylion

Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 9 photographs   Series Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 9 photographs


Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 6 photographs Loop 2 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 6 photographs

Danse contemporaine II

Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 10 photographs Series Loop 1 untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled a series of 10 photographs Series


Loop 1 Anis Laetitia Anais Christophe Thomas Dorothé a series of 6 photographs   Loop 2 Anis Laetitia Anais Christophe Thomas Dorothé a series of 6 photographs

En Suspens

Loop 1 Dianne Felix Thomas Adrien Lou Clément a series of 6 photographs   Loop 2 Dianne Felix Thomas Adrien Lou Clément a series of 6 photographs